Photo of Shilpa Sonti, PhD

Shilpa Sonti, PhD

Shilpa is an advocate for progress and innovation with a mission to advance the scientific research that will improve lives. Her journey into research began from India to Boston to Philadelphia exploring the intricacies of neuroscience and genomics along the way. Shilpa graduated from Northeastern University, Boston with a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science. She studied cellular models of neurodegeneration and their genetic manipulation during her postdoc at Columbia University and Thomas Jefferson University and gained expertise in developing in-vitro disease models using stem cells. As a Research Associate in Lingappan lab, Shilpa is ready to embark on an exciting venture and embrace new challenges by developing in-vitro lung injury models utilizing her expertise in disease modelling.

When not in the lab, Shilpa enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new horizons through travel. Life is a beautiful journey of discovery!